PMO Consulting

Strategy through execution

At WiserWulff, we collaborate closely with clients to create impactful strategies, implement initiatives, and achieve desired outcomes. We improve the capabilities of our clients by equipping them with the necessary talent, resources, and tools to deliver meaningful results.


At WiserWulff, Portfolio Management is the systematic process of selecting, prioritizing, and managing a collection of projects or programs to achieve specific organizational goals and objectives.  It involves making strategic decisions about which projects to undertake, allocating resources appropriately, and balancing the portfolio to optimize the organization’s overall performance and value delivery.

As management consultants, we take on a variety of activities, roles, and responsibilities in the conduct of portfolio management.  The following are some of the typical roles we undertake:

  • Portfolio Assessment and Analysis: WiserWulff consultants regularly conduct assessments of client project portfolios. We analyze the portfolio’s composition, project alignment with strategic objectives, risk exposure, resource allocation, and overall performance.  We identify gaps, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement in the portfolio
  • Portfolio Optimization and Strategy: We help clients optimize their project portfolios by aligning them with strategic objectives. We provide deep knowledge in project prioritization, balancing risk and return, and identifying growth and value creation opportunities.  We assist in developing portfolio management strategies, evaluating investment opportunities, and defining criteria for project selection and prioritization
  • Portfolio Governance and Decision-making: Our team establishes or enhances portfolio governance structures and decision-making processes.  We assist in defining roles and responsibilities, establishing portfolio review boards, and developing portfolio management frameworks. We provide guidance on decision criteria, portfolio performance metrics, and reporting mechanisms to facilitate effective decision-making at the portfolio level
  • Risk Management and Mitigation: We support organizations in assessing and managing risks at the portfolio level.  Our consultants identify and analyze portfolio risks, develop risk mitigation strategies, and establish risk management frameworks.  We also provide expertise in portfolio-level risk assessment techniques, such as scenario analysis or Monte Carlo simulations
  • Performance Measurement and Reporting: We regularly assist in developing portfolio performance measurement frameworks and reporting mechanisms.  Our management consultants define key performance indicators (KPIs) and establish metrics to track project progress, financial performance, benefits realization, and other relevant portfolio metrics.  We also assist in designing dashboards or management reports to provide stakeholders with timely and relevant information on portfolio performance
  • Capability Building and Training: Our consultants have provided training and support for many years to build portfolio management capabilities within our clients. We regularly deliver workshops, conduct training sessions, and coach portfolio managers and other stakeholders. We develop skills in areas such as portfolio analysis, strategic alignment, project evaluation, and decision-making
  • Change Management and Implementation Support: We assist in driving change within organizations related to portfolio management practices.  We help manage stakeholders, facilitate communication, and support implementing portfolio management processes, tools, and methodologies. We can also guide change management strategies and help overcome resistance to change
  • Continuous Improvement: Our management consultants work with the organizations to foster a culture of continuous improvement in portfolio management. We facilitate lessons-learned sessions, conduct portfolio reviews, and identify opportunities for process enhancements and efficiency gains. We also assist in implementing portfolio management leading practices and drive ongoing portfolio optimization

We provide expertise, guidance, and support in optimizing an organization’s project portfolio.  We help organizations make informed decisions, enhance portfolio performance, and align project initiatives with strategic objectives. Furthermore, we bring external perspectives, industry insights, and leading practices to help organizations achieve greater value and success through their project portfolios.


We provide our clients with practical project and program management, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently, meet stakeholder expectations, and deliver the intended outcomes. As a result, we help organizations achieve their goals, manage risks, and optimize resource utilization.

A Program or Project Management Office (PMO) is a centralized function within an organization responsible for overseeing and managing programs and related projects. The PMO provides support, guidance, and governance to ensure the successful execution of programs and alignment with organizational objectives. It is a hub for program management expertise, standards, processes, and tools.

A PMO’s specific roles and responsibilities can vary depending on the organization’s needs and the nature of the programs being managed.  At WiserWulff, we believe a PMO should encompass the following central functions:

  • Program Governance:  Establishing governance frameworks, policies, and procedures to guide program management activities. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, decision-making structures, and escalation processes.
  • Methodology and Standards Development:  Defining and promoting program management methodologies, processes, and leading practices. The PMO establishes standardized templates, tools, and techniques to ensure consistency and quality across programs and projects.
  • Program Planning and Coordination:  Assisting in developing program plans, including defining program objectives, scope, timelines, resource requirements, and deliverables. The PMO coordinates program activities, monitors progress, and tracks performance against established metrics.
  • Program Reporting and Communication:  Ensuring effective communication and reporting on program status, milestones, risks, and issues. The PMO regularly updates stakeholders and facilitates communication among program teams and stakeholders.
  • [Resource Management (link to Resource Management subsection of this page)]:  Facilitating resource allocation and optimization across programs. The PMO helps identify resource requirements, resolve conflicts, and ensure the availability of skilled resources for program execution.
  • Risk and Issue Management:  Identifying, assessing, and managing program-level risks and issues. The PMO supports risk mitigation and issue resolution efforts and helps establish risk management frameworks and processes.
  • Benefits Management: Assisting in defining and tracking the expected benefits of the program. The PMO collaborates with stakeholders to ensure that program outcomes align with the expected benefits and that benefits realization plans are in place.
  • Quality Assurance:  Implementing quality management processes and conducting program audits and reviews. The PMO ensures adherence to quality standards, identifies areas for improvement, and facilitates the sharing of lessons learned.
  • Knowledge Management:  Capturing and disseminating program management knowledge, lessons learned, and leading practices. The PMO promotes knowledge sharing and provides training and support to program managers and teams.
With three decades of Program and Project Management Office (PMO) experience, we deeply understand what it takes to build and foster an effective PMO.  We can reduce the stress of building and running a PMO through our managed service approach.

With three decades of Program and Project Management Office (PMO) experience, we deeply understand what it takes to deliver an effective PMO.  Our PMO services can vary depending on our client’s needs and objectives. We provide our clients with:

  • PMO Assessment and Design:  We frequently assess the current state of PMOs and provide recommendations for improvement.  We analyze the PMO’s structure, processes, governance, and capabilities of our clients and design a tailored PMO framework that aligns with the organization’s goals
  • PMO Setup and Implementation:  Our management consultants have significant experience establishing and restructuring a PMO.  We assist in defining the PMO’s purpose, objectives, and scope and develop the necessary governance structures, processes, tools, and templates to achieve consistent results.  We also help select and implement project management methodologies and tools.
  • Process Improvement:  We continuously seek opportunities to streamline and optimize the PMO’s processes and procedures.  We assess the efficiency and effectiveness of project and program management practices, propose improvements, and assist in implementing changes to enhance overall PMO performance
  • [Methodology and Tools Development (link to PM Framework subsection of this page)]:  Our team regularly contributes to developing or enhancing project management methodologies, standards, and tools within the PMO. We provide deep knowledge of industry-leading practices, emerging trends, and the latest project management techniques to ensure the PMO stays up-to-date and effective.
  • Training and Capability Development:  We regularly provide training and coaching to PMO staff, project managers, and other stakeholders. We help build project management competencies, enhance leadership skills, and promote a project management culture within the organizations we serve
  • PMO Performance Measurement and Reporting: We define performance metrics and establish reporting mechanisms for PMOs.  We design dashboards and performance indicators to track critical program and project metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making and ensuring transparency in reporting
  • Organizational Change Management:  Organizational change management is key to the success of a PMO across project teams and the organization at large to deliver results that endure. We help manage resistance to change, facilitate stakeholder engagement, and develop communication strategies to ensure the smooth adoption of new processes or methodologies
  • Continuous Improvement: We work with our client’s PMO to foster a culture of continuous improvement. We conduct regular reviews, gather feedback, and identify opportunities for further enhancement. In addition, we facilitate lessons-learned sessions and knowledge sharing to drive ongoing project and program management improvement.

As PMO (P3M) leaders, we have the knowledge, industry insights, and leading practices to help an organization establish or enhance its program and project management capabilities. We provide guidance, support, and recommendations to ensure the PMO is effectively structured, processes are optimized, and the organization achieves successful project and program outcomes.


There is no “one-size fits all” for Project Management Frameworks.

Project management frameworks are structured and standardized approaches that provide guidance and direction for managing projects throughout their lifecycle. Utilizing frameworks is essential for attaining reliable and reproducible outcomes in project management. They facilitate efficient project completion within budget constraints while satisfying stakeholders’ expectations.

Moreover, they provide standardized processes, methodologies, tools, and templates that help project managers and teams effectively plan, execute, monitor, and control projects.

The key elements of a project management framework include:

  • Project Initiation: This phase defines the objectives, scope, stakeholders, and initial planning. It includes conducting a feasibility study, identifying project requirements, and establishing the governance structure.
  • Project Planning: In this phase, detailed planning includes defining project activities, sequencing them, estimating resources and durations, and creating a project schedule. It also involves developing a project budget, risk management, communication, and procurement plan.
  • Project Execution: This phase involves the actual implementation of the project plan. It includes coordinating and managing project resources, executing project activities, and monitoring progress. Project managers ensure work is carried out per the defined scope, timeline, and quality standards.
  • Project Monitoring and Control: This phase involves continuously monitoring project progress, tracking key performance indicators, and comparing them against the project plan. It includes managing project risks and issues, performing regular status updates, and making necessary adjustments to keep the project on track.
  • Project Closure: In this final phase, project closure activities include formalizing project deliverables, obtaining client sign-off, conducting a lessons-learned session, and archiving project documentation. Project closure ensures that project objectives are met and valuable insights are captured for future projects.

A project management framework may also include additional components such as change management, quality management, stakeholder management, and communication management, depending on the specific needs and complexity of the project.

Various organizations and industries may utilize their project management frameworks or opt for recognized frameworks like the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide, PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments), Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban), or Six Sigma.  We have experience in all the leading frameworks to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals.

We help clients establish a project management framework by undertaking one or more of the following essential responsibilities:

  • Framework Assessment and Design: Our team is often requested to evaluate an organization’s existing project management system and procedures. We carefully examine its efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment with industry standards. Once we complete our analysis, we suggest enhancements and collaborate with the organization to design a customized project management framework that aligns with their objectives and requirements.
  • Methodology and Process Development: Our consultants can create or enhance project management methodologies and processes to support an organization’s framework. With our vast experience, we can define project lifecycle stages, deliverables, and governance structures. We also aid in establishing standardized templates, tools, and guidelines to ensure consistency and quality in your project management practices.
  • Project Management Training and Capability Building: We provide training and coaching services to project managers and their teams to enhance their project management competencies and skills in planning, communication, risk management, and stakeholder engagement. Our workshops, training sessions, and continued support ensure the successful implementation of project management frameworks.
  • Project Performance and Maturity Assessment: As management consultants, we evaluate how well our clients follow established project management frameworks and identify areas for improvement. Our assessment includes reviewing project metrics, documentation and conducting interviews to assess project health, compliance, and maturity. We then provide recommendations to improve project performance and align with the framework.
  • [Project Portfolio Alignment (link to PPM subsection of this webpage)]: Our team ensures that individual projects align with the established project management framework and the organizational objectives. We evaluate project proposals to gauge their alignment with strategic goals and help prioritize and select projects. Additionally, we establish project governance structures and decision-making processes to ensure that projects follow the organization’s portfolio management approach.
  • Continuous Improvement and Leading practices:  Our management consultants collaborate closely with our clients to foster a culture of continuous improvement in project management practices.  We aim to identify areas where processes can be optimized, facilitate lessons-learned sessions, and promote adopting leading industry practices.  Additionally, our team provides valuable insights on integrating cutting-edge technologies, industry trends, and innovative methodologies into project management frameworks.
  • Change Management and Implementation Support:  Our consultants are committed to aiding and facilitating successful change management initiatives, particularly those about project management frameworks.  We have a proven history of effectively handling resistance to change, engaging stakeholders, and devising efficient communication strategies.  Moreover, we provide proficient guidance on diverse change management techniques and are well-prepared to tackle any obstacles during the implementation phase.

WiserWulff plays a significant role in establishing a project management framework for our clients. We provide the expertise, guidance, and support necessary to deliver efficient organizational project management practices. Our consultants improve project performance, boost delivery capabilities, and ensure that projects align with strategic goals and industry standards.


Agile isn’t just for software development anymore!

Many organizations across industries and business functions are switching to Agile methodologies because they can encourage a faster, more iterative delivery of value, greater collaboration, and increased customer satisfaction.

However, Agile presents many potential challenges, and transitioning from traditional project management methodologies to agile principles calls for a structured strategy. The shift involves changing culture, mindset, and processes to promote agility and adaptability in delivering products or services.

Our team of consultants offers professional guidance, expertise, and support to clients who wish to adopt and implement agile practices. As a result, we ensure a seamless transition to agile ways of working and take on key responsibilities to contribute to the success of this transformation, including:

  • Readiness Assessment and Planning: Our assessment of an organization’s readiness for agile transformation involves evaluating its current culture, processes, and capabilities. We collaborate with stakeholders to devise a transformation roadmap and develop a customized plan for implementing agile practices.
  • Educating and Training: Our consultants offer educational sessions and training to executives, managers, and teams. We aim to establish a shared understanding of agile principles and practices. In addition, we aim to help individuals understand the required mindset shift and develop the essential skills to work efficiently in an agile environment.
  • [Agile Framework Selection (link to PM Framework subsection of this webpage)]: We help organizations choose the most suitable agile framework, whether Scrum, Kanban, or a hybrid approach. We customize the framework to fit the organization’s specific context and offer expert advice to ensure successful implementation.
  • Coaching and Mentoring: As a reliable resource, we offer guidance and support to project managers, team leads, and team members. We help our clients adopt agile practices, tackle obstacles, and consistently enhance performance. In addition, we strive to act as both a coach and mentor throughout the process.
  • Facilitating Agile Ceremonies and Practices: Our consultants have extensive experience leading agile ceremonies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. They guide teams in implementing agile practices such as backlog grooming, user story refinement, and estimation techniques, ensuring that these practices are executed efficiently.
  • Collaborating with Leadership: We work closely with management to ensure their backing is in sync with the required organizational changes for fostering agility. Our role is to facilitate the creation of a work environment that encourages autonomy, transparency, and collaboration while helping leaders comprehend their responsibilities in supporting agile teams.
  • Implementing Agile Metrics and Reporting: As management consultants, we assist our clients in establishing useful agile metrics and reporting systems to track project advancement, team productivity, and value provision.  We help them transition from conventional metrics to those that comply with agile principles, such as cycle time, velocity, and customer satisfaction.
  • Agile Culture and Organizational Change Management: Our consultants collaborate with organizations to cultivate an agile culture and effectively handle the changes that come with transformation. Our approach involves tackling resistance to change, promoting transparent communication, and establishing a secure environment fostering experimentation and growth.
  • Continuous Improvement: We strive for constant improvement by conducting retrospectives, analyzing feedback, and pinpointing areas that require enhancement on agile initiatives. Our team is committed to supporting adopting agile practices that can evolve to meet the changing needs of an organization so that transformation remains on track.
  • Knowledge Transfer and Sustainability: We aim to transfer knowledge and skills to internal teams, empowering them to sustain and evolve their agile transformation. We encourage a culture of learning and provide resources and tools to help teams continue their agile journey even after our consultants have completed their engagement.

WiserWulff consultants know how to guide and support organizations through an agile transformation. Their deep knowledge, experience, and external perspective help organizations adopt agile practices successfully, improve project outcomes, enhance collaboration, and create a culture of agility and continuous improvement.


Organizational Change Management (OCM) is essential to effective portfolio, program, and project management.  At its core, OCM involves implementing processes and practices to guide individuals, teams, and organizations through a successful transition from the present state to a desired future state.  It entails a systematic approach to managing the human aspect of change, ensuring that employees are equipped, motivated, and ready to embrace new work methodologies.

OCM reduces resistance, manages risks, and optimizes the advantages of the proposed alterations. Successful change requires more than just implementing new processes or technologies. It also involves handling the cultural, behavioral, and emotional factors influencing how individuals and teams react to change.

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