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project success

Projects are often complex undertakings filled with a series of interdependent people, parts, and processes. Envisioning and bringing them to fruition takes a significant amount of expertise and planning.


March 26, 2024

Project Failure = Leadership Failure

Projects are often complex undertakings filled with a series of interdependent people, parts, and processes. Envisioning and bringing them to fruition takes a significant amount of expertise and planning.

March 22, 2024

What does project failure look like to you?

Pop quiz: An agricultural supply company develops a new product that is much more effective at inseminating cows than any other product on the market. They can develop the product in a year with...

February 24, 2024

What makes a project successful?

A lot of organizations struggle judging a project went. This article covers the textbook approach to evaluating the success of a project. Check out our blog post The Third Dimension of Project Success for...