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August 16, 2024

Presenting: Project Leadership White Paper

“Leadership Is Taken, Not Given” is a topic that WiserWulff CEO, Gus Cicala, has written and talked about extensively. It was the subject of his keynote address at ProjectSummit, his chapter in the book...

May 14, 2024

The most important role for every ERP project

The most important team member you need in-house to run a successful ERP project is some form of Solution Architect. Vendors will often take care of most roles for the implementation itself. But someone...

May 13, 2024

The checklist every organization should use

Every organization has large initiatives they need to break down into task assignments. Action item lists are a great way to bridge the gap from the big picture of the project plan to the...

May 10, 2024

The Effects of Poor Leadership in Project Management

Organizations feel the effects of poor leadership in project management pervasively. Many of the most common project ailments–including a lack of clear requirements, regular miscommunication and lagging schedules and bloated budgets–all come down to...

April 10, 2024

How to Overhaul a Culture of Project Malpractice

Expectations around project success are historically low across organizations. Poor results in the past have led many companies to believe that only a few projects will pan out, and executives often respond by thinking...

April 2, 2024

The Run-On Effects of Failed Projects

Project management is far from a new concept. Some historians say its origins date back to the Egyptian era, and even modern project management practices can be traced back to as early as the...