Talent firms get to hear both the candidate and employer’s perspective on interviews. Time-and-time again, candidates come out of an interview glowing and thinking it went great while the hiring manager says they’ll be looking in a different direction.
There are several reasons for this:
- People are generally polite.
- There are laws that keep employers from being forthright with their impressions.
- The human spirit is generally endearing and optimistic.
As a result, candidates are likely to feel a generally positive “vibe” with the interview regardless of how well it has actually gone. The fact of the matter is unless the employer hinted toward next steps, they likely won’t be reaching out.
These hints may be explicit or they may be more subtle. Some examples include:
- Setting up a follow-up meeting
- Providing specifics about the on-boarding process (this is more telling if given toward the end of the interview and isn’t just a general heads-up on how the process might go)
- Double-checking that it’s okay to contact references
- Asking how they can validate some specifics in the candidate’s background
These are just a few examples. There are many ways an employer can suggest sincere interest in taking the next step. The important point is that in the absence of any such hints, any good will you felt in the interview is probably just niceties.
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How Can You Tell If an Interview Actually Went Well?
Talent firms get to hear both the candidate and employer’s perspective on interviews. Time-and-time again, candidates come out of an interview glowing and thinking it went great while the hiring manager says they’ll be...